Sunday, June 06, 2004

Here's to New Beginnings

Today was our first day at official members anyway! We have been there for about a year now and figured it was probably time to take the next step and make a commitment. We had been debating whether or not to pursue a ministry position at another church in the area while we are in school but in the end we decided Highland is where we wanted to be. We started a new class today entitled "Abundant Journey" and we look forward to the relationships we will build with people in this class. Today was also a special day because they incorporated a "new baby blessing" into the service in which the parents and their new babies were blessed and prayed over. Then they asked the children first followed by the entire congregation to be committed to growing up these babies in the Lord. It was a powerful and emotional experience.

Later this year, Highland will be celebrating its 75th anniversary and have asked the members of the congregation to participate in the celebration process by creating a theme title to represent God's faithfulness throughout their history. As a new member I decided I wanted to get creative and join in the fun. And, of course, I also decided to blog about it. So here goes--my idea for Highland's 75th Anniversary Celebration:

A Portrait of Faithfulness

This theme represents both God's faithfulness and ours. When I think about portraits, I think about the rich history they represent. I think about the memories they capture. I think about the great cloud of witnesses that have gone before us. At times, all we have to do is catch a glimpse of these snapshots in time and we are reminded of the purpose of our journey and encouraged to continue.

I also think about what it takes to create a portrait. We all represent many different colors used together by the Master to create a beautiful portrait of love and faithfulness. If a picture speaks a thousand words then our prayer is that those words--past, present, and future--give glory, honor, and praise to God.

May we continue to be found faithful

1 comment:

Carol said...

I love the theme of Portrait of Faithfulness. It feels rich and full of depth and strength and could be developed in lots of ways with portraits of people who have been faithfully committed to the congregation thru the years, answered prayers, mighty works... Sounds very exciting and a great way for the leadership to get the congregation on board. So glad you are actively seeking to be part of that body. The "Abundant" class sounds interesting, too. Will be looking forward to blogs on your insights.