Wednesday, February 16, 2005

Hitched on Valentine's Day

It's hard to believe that this was already the third Valentine's Day with my own life-long sweetheart. Sara and I went out for our romantic evening on Saturday night because she typically has to work late in the clinic on weeknights. I had a particular plan that I proceeded to butcher in the closing minutes but that's a story for another time. We ended up doing dinner and a movie and it was great just to spend some time together. Our lives are so busy right now that we really look forward to those extended intersections.

I wanted to be a sensitive and caring husband in regard to the movie so I searched for an appropriate "chick flick." As far as I could really tell I had two choices: one being "Wedding Day" or something like that and the other "Hitch." If I was really self-sacrificing I probably would have chosen the "Wedding Day" movie but I quickly realized my limitations and decided on the romantic comedy "Hitch." Sara and I both laughed through the entire movie. I thought it was well done, suprisingly clean and even conveyed a good moral message underneath the romance and comedy. The basic premise is that a date doctor (Will Smith) tries to help the good but goofy guys get the girl of their dreams. One of those guys the date doctor helps is played by Kevin James and one scene in particular between the two characters stood out to me toward the end of the movie. The two are talking about how Smith's character has given up on love and Kevin James' character says something to the effect of "you are trying to sell something you don't even believe in." To which Smith responds, "What do you mean, love is my life!" James--"No, love is your job!"

It may be hard to grasp the impact of this scene from these second-hand written words but I couldn't help but reflect on how the comments in the scene relate to us as Christians. How many times to we proclaim that God, Jesus, or Christianity is our life but in reality it is obvious we are going through the motions only to receive our check! The result is that the Christian life becomes just another job instead of something to live out and for. What flows from our lips must intersect with the way we live our lives or others will quickly realize that we are employees of corporation lip service. My prayer is that we as Christians will no longer punch our card as employees but instead as disciples live in such a way that communicates Christ is our life and not just another occupation!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

you are right mike that it is easy to fall into the mistake of our faith being just an occupation. I really believe that this is where we must renew our relationship with Jesus everyday. When we lose sight of Jesus is when it becomes just a job. I'll remind you of the old hymn. Turn your eyes upon Jesus. We must hold on to the reality of Him.

tim t