Thursday, April 24, 2008

Man Truck

I've always looked younger than my actual age. For instance now at 27 I might be lucky if a person would guess my age to be 21. A couple months ago after I finished preaching, a woman who was visiting that day came up to me to tell me she enjoyed my sermon. In the context of our conversation she asked how long I had been here at Reidland. I proceeded to explain that my wife and I moved here from Abilene, Texas almost 3 years ago. She almost stopped me in mid-sentence to say..."You're old enough to be married????"

I've also lived in Kentucky now for coming up on three years but have yet to become very "Kentuckian!" I grew up a city boy mostly. I don't really fish. I definitely don't hunt. Barely know how to shoot a gun. I don't own a four-wheeler. And I'm yet to bleed blue and white.

Well I think I've found something that could be a solution to both of those "shortcomings." Let me introduce you to...the Man Truck.

I'm not sure if it makes me look older (I probably shouldn't count on it) or if it really makes me any more Kentuckian (although it's a step in that direction) but it is fulfilling a boyhood dream of owning a truck. Something about owning a truck just makes a guy feel more like a hombre! Now I can haul stuff and put me a big metal box in the back (for my tools of course). It communicates toughness, dependability, and towing horsepower.

Or at least it would if it wasn't a single cab, 4 cylinder, white truck. I guess really all it communicates is that I'm a 21 (not 27) year old, city boy from Florida...but I like it anyway. Just me and my truck. Who knows...perhaps one day the man in both of us will finally be evident to all!

And if you're curious, yes, I'm old enough to be least in most states with parental consent.

Friday, April 18, 2008

Shake, Shake, Shake...

4:36AM. To the best of my knowledge...sleeping and more sleeping. 4:37AM. Wide Awake. The reason...the house was shaking! A lot of things instantly run through your mind when you are stirred awake from a deep sleep to find the house moving more than you are used to. (Thought #1) "Alright, who's playing the prank on us this time?!" Only to roll over and see the iridescent glow of the clock suggesting sure hibernation time. This is no prank. Hmm... (Thought #2) " must really be storming outside! The wind must be blowing like crazy." Only to peek out the window blinds to see the trees standing statue still. What's going on? (Sara's response as she too woke up) I'm not sure actually.

At most 20 seconds passed. The shaking stopped. Sleep was stronger than my curiosity. My eyes closed with the fleeting thought(#3)...was that an earthquake?!?

Somewhere around 7:02AM. Sara wakes to a text asking, "Did you feel the earthquake?" 7:03AM. She wakes me up proclaiming..."Mike it was an earthquake!" Really, I wondered if that's what it was! She quickly replies, "No you didn't!" Seriously, I did...even though I've never experienced one before what else could it have been. She of course hadn't read my thoughts at 4:37AM during which I logically concluded the only possible outcome...earthquake.

Earthquake!?! It wasn't much. It wasn't very long. But it was still disorienting, even unsettling. For the earth to shift miles and miles away from us but still feel it's some power that's hard to fathom. To think about its potential makes you feel weak, small, and unprepared.

Next time I'll be ready for it...that is if I'm not sleeping...

Actually the more I think about it the more I realize I'd rather not have the opportunity to experience a next time!

Thursday, April 17, 2008

High School Confidential

Reality TV. We've all had the discussion. Is it really reality? In most cases no. It's sensationalized to attract a viewing market who love drama and the idea of reality tv. I think though that some shows serve a purpose. I think about the Biggest Loser. Helping people turn their lives around and live in healthy ways is inspiring, motivating and even redemptive at it's core. Sure, like any television show, they care about ratings and money but in the midst of that they are making a difference.

There is a "reality" type show currently airing on We TV on Monday nights called High School Confidential. From its website...the show "follows 12 diverse girls through their tumultuous and exhilarating high school experience. They encounter sex, drugs, unwanted pregnancy, health crisis, and family chaos -- all while trying to discover who they are. Each episode explores the girls' stories through four years of heartache, discovery, friendship, and self-acceptance." One of the truly interesting aspects of the show is that they followed these girls through all four years of high school and have combined the footage from all four years to help share each girl's high school story. They reveal views, passions, beliefs and morals expressed by the girls as they entered high school compared to their perspective as seniors close to graduation.

The more I watch the show, the more I'm convinced parents of all types should at least be exposed to much of the information conveyed throughout the series. That doesn't mean it's all good but so much of it offers a very insightful window into the general teenage culture of our world today. I even think the show could be used as a conversation starter with teens in an attempt to help them open up about the realities they face everyday. The shows creator Sharon Liese explains that the show "explores a phenomenon experienced by teenage girls: the inescapable struggle to forge an identity while facing pressure to lose her "self."

It is a documentary that (at least within me) evokes a spectrum of emotions. Encouraged. Inspired. Shocked. Determined. Frustrated. Motivated. Scared. I know during at least one of the episodes Sara and I commented to each other..."we aren't having kids!" We were joking (sort of) but it really does put life in perspective and motivate you to want to make a difference in the lives of young people. Whether you have kids of your own or you work with them on a regular basis, I think you can benefit from this up-close and (gut-wrenchingly) personal look at today's teenage experience.

Just to provide you with a little more info about the show, here is the ad for the premiere...

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Jesus Calling...

Another word from the devotional book titled "Jesus Calling" by Sarah Young...

Taste and see that I am good. The more intimately you experience Me, the more convinced you become of My goodness. I am the Living One who sees you and longs to participate in your life. I am training you to find Me in each moment and to be a channel of My loving Presence. Sometimes My blessings come to you in mysterious ways: through pain and trouble. At such times you can know My goodness only through your trust in Me. Understanding will fail you, but trust will keep you close to Me.

Thank Me for the gift of My Peace, a gift of such immense proportions that you cannot fathom its depth or breadth. When I appeared to My disciples after the resurrection, it was Peace that I communicated first of all. I knew this was their deepest need: to calm their fears and clear their minds. I also speak Peace to you, for I know your anxious thoughts. Listen to Me! Tune out other voices, so that you can hear Me more clearly. I designed you to dwell in Peace all day, every day. Draw near to Me; receive My Peace.
I really try each day to find God in every moment. I want to look for Him in every person, in every situation, and around every bend. I want to be a part of His purposes in my life and in this world. But often the noise distracts me or maybe it draws me into complacency. Sometimes I can be so aware of God, other times I'm only aware of myself and what's important to me.

God designed us to dwell in Peace even in the midst of a world in unrest. But, I need to constantly tune in to His presence, to intentionally look for his fingerprints and listen to His voice. He knows my heart...and longs for me to continually search after his.

May we draw near to his presence and dwell in his peace!