Monday, April 04, 2005

Peace in the Midst

Sara and I went to Stream in the Desert with some friends this weekend in Midland, TX. For those who don't know Stream is a renewal conference unique to West Texas. In many ways it was a good escape and allowed us to catch our breath before heading down April's home stretch. Mike Cope was the guest speaker for the conference and as usual, he did a wonderful job. I think the part that impacted me most was what he shared in the Sunday morning session. Here's my take:

We all want peace. In fact, many times we long for it. Sometimes, however, we have unreal expectations of what peace is and what it should look like in our lives. Mike reminded us that peace, contrary to popular belief, is not the absence of pain but the promise of presence! This life is full of both mountains and valleys, good times and bad. In this world suffering is a reality. We all experience it at different times and in different ways. The good news we have to share with hurting people in the midst of brokenness and suffering is not the "health and wealth" message that in Christ everything comes up roses, but the message of everlasting peace. God has not abandoned his people. We may never understand why bad things happen or why people suffer but one thing is certain: We have the promise of his presence! Wherever we are, he joins us in the midst. O' Emmanuel...God with us! That, my friends, is the peace that passes all understanding.

Lord, continue to fill us with your peace.

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