Monday, September 12, 2005

Table Talk

I shared these comments at service yesterday in connection with the Lord's Supper...

Welcome to the Table of the Lord! It is not just I who welcome you to the table, but it is the Lord. It is the Lord who welcomes you to a table in which all are invited to gather around. A table with no regard for social status, economic prosperity, race or level of education but open to all who are redeemed through the blood of Jesus Christ. It is here that we lay our differences aside because our unity is found in someone greater than ourselves. Here, there is neither Jew nor Greek, slave nor free, male nor female, for we are all one in Christ. And it is Jesus who, much like he did with his disciples, invites us to recline at this table of redemption, to receive the meal seasoned with grace which has been prepared for us. It is to remember him yes, but more than that it is to celebrate because the one we commune with is the Risen Lord! Praise God the tomb didn’t have the final word. So, together as we gather around the table, let us taste freedom and let us rejoice!

So Come…Welcome to the Table of the Lord!

1 comment:

Carol said...

A "meal seasoned with grace." What a great phrase.