Thursday, February 09, 2006

Re-envision the Redemptive Possibilities...

Our culture attempts to sell us on something daily. We are told that we are inadequate without certain life-altering products. The underlying message is that we too could be more complete, popular, thin, beautiful, respected or admired if only we used our resources to pursue a particular way of living in this world. So we easily get caught up in the rat race toward "perfection" by attempting to be someone or something we are not. Thus, the challenge for all of us becomes finding ways to be real (with ourselves and with each other) in a facade-driven world.

The superbowl is an example of one night in which the onslaught of much that runs counter to living the Christ-life finds its way into our living rooms. Yet I believe we do not have to give in to cynicism because God is at work in and all around us. At least one commercial could help us re-envision the redemptive possibilities of encouraging people to live as they have been created.

Campaign for Real Beauty

I realize at the end of the day this is still a company hoping to sell beauty products, but I can appreciate a company encouraging people to be real in the midst of a society that many times persuades us to be anything but ourselves. Often we find ourselves caught in a trap when we realize all the voices that have been calling us forth into the "limelight" have really only led to an empty darkness. We have been called to be redemptive vessels who break forth like the dawn from a facade-driven world. We have a message of hope that isn't based on what we can create of ourselves but on the promise that we have already been created in the image of a God who loves us and continues to transform us into what is ultimately real beauty.

That is a message I hope could not only penetrate our living rooms, but also our hearts.


Sara said...

I am about to stop posted two days in a row!

This is a powerful commercial that will hopefully help people think a little differently. I hope Dove will really work to help promote healthy self esteem in tangible ways rather than just make themselves look good on a commercial.

It is our job as community to pervade the lives of those around us with these positive messages.

Andy Willliams said...

You are so right. Many people place their identity in how others view them. In Christ, we have the freedom to be what we are. It is very hard work to get people to love and accept themselves as they are. I guess one of my favorite thoughts is..."God does not make junk."

janjanmom said...

My favorite saying is "God isn't finished with me yet!!" and "Be patient, I'm a work in progress!"

Good to have you posting again. Keep it up!

I hope Andy just double-posted, not posting profanity again!!HeeHee

Josh Kellar said...

When I saw this commercial during the superbowl (which I was ironically watching in your old apartment with its new renters) I immediately thought it was a commercial for the Marriage and Family Institute. Then I realized that the commercial probably cost over 10 milion dollars. Anyway...I agree, our identity is found in Christ and unfortunately, the world has valued beauty in a way that is not glorifying the one who created beauty. Thanks for the post!

preacherman said...

I enjoyed reading your blog.
Good comments, and thoughts.
God bless your ministry as you serve Him.