Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Yoga-ing Break for Education's Sake

The only Yoga I knew growing up in school was the furry friend of BooBoo, who enjoyed swiping "pic-i-nic baskets" and "terrorizing" park rangers. But today is a new day and apparently there is a push for some in the school system in other parts of the country to begin to incorporate yoga into the class schedule. The reasoning? Student's lives are so busy that a daily dose of yoga could do wonders to help students better cope with the stresses of their hectic lifestyles. The hope is that this meditative outlet will not only foster greater learning opportunities because students can be more rested and focused, but that it will also help students become more balanced and disciplined people along the way.

Now, Yoga may be a helpful tool to combat the extreme busyness that plagues both young people and their families, I don't know. I'm not trying to say that yoga is a bad thing here. But what strikes me as ironic about this whole conversation is that our society is so caught up in the routine of busy lifestyles, that even when we talk about ways to address feeling overwhelmed and fatigued we don't talk about removing activities from our lives but adding one more thing to help us deal with it all! Are you kidding me? I'm afraid that as a people we are fooling ourselves into thinking we can control this "runaway freight train" lifestyle which says the more you can fit in to a day, a week, a month...the more productive or successful you are. I think it's a false that ultimately will lead us to crash and burn in a pile of physically and emotionally exhausted rubble.

What's more is that I'm not sure we as Christians do a great job of dispelling the lie either. Our lives are just as full, our schedules just as busy as those around us. The irony for us is that even though we read and know the words of Jesus we fail to believe them, let alone live by them...

Are you tired? Worn out? Burned out on religion? Come to me. Get away with me and you'll recover your life. I'll show you how to take a real rest. Walk with me and work with me--watch how I do it. Learn the unforced rhythms of grace. I won't lay anything heavy or ill-fitting on you. Keep company with me and you'll learn to live freely and lightly.
Matthew 11:28-30 (The Message)

Life can already get pretty hectic for me and I don't even have kids yet. I don't know how that variable will add to the busyness equation for me one day. But it seems like this is one area that must make us distinguishable from the world. Even the life of God was lived out in the appropriate ebb and flow between work and rest. We have good news to offer's a real possibility for our lives to dwell in the rhythm of God's rest!

Yet somehow I don't think yoga is exactly what God had in mind...


Stephanie said...

I read your blog while texting and doing lesson plans in the car as I was on my way to the grocery. I was, however, driving in the lotus position . . .

Welcome back to blogland - you have been missed!

Sara said...

I like it! Keep blogging! I love that version of that scripture.

Anonymous said...

Is there such a thing as a "false truth"? Ahnald says there are "true lies," but can the truth really become a lie? Or can a lie really become the truth? Can I believe you if you say something is a lie? How will I know that it's really true? If there is a false truth, can there be a true falsety? If there is a falsety, can there be a truthety? Why does one word get an "ety" but the other one doesn't? That doesn't seem fair! Am I right or am I wrong? If I'm wrong, can I ever be right? However, if I'm right, do I have the capability to be wrong? Me being wrong is like a false truth. Or is it?...

See, this is why you should blog more often! You get comments from me when I'm at work and have been staring at a computer screen for 2 1/2 hours! KEEP BLOGGING MIKEY!!!!

Nathan Anderson said...

So, I totally haven't even read the blog yet....I was just amazed that Kacey said you had blogged. I mean, blog less than I do!! I've been checking this thing for two years...So, I'll go read the post and see if I actually want to post a real comment.


Nathan Anderson said...

Okay, my real comment:

Very nice post. It's sad that even kids' and teens' lives are so busy that we have to help "detox" from life AT SCHOOL of all places! That's supposed to be the stressful/busy place, not the place that helps you cope! If I hear rumor that you have another post, I'll check back. YAY!

Anonymous said...

Howdy Mike. Great post. Good to hear from you. Now that you met your one blog post per year quota--and it's only January 30--you can take the rest of the year off.

Peace brother.

Mike said...

Howdy back at ya Travis! Long time no talk my old friend. Vacation by the way is overrated. In fact, see how efficient and productive I can be...I think I'll post again! Twice in two days. I'm already way ahead of where I was last year...