Friday, July 15, 2005

Closer, Closing and Closed

It's a done deal! Sara and I have officially signed our lives away and the lives of our future children...what a sobering reality. However, we will not let the magnitude of our decision deter our excitement. Say it with me...we are homeowners! Next stop, Paducah, Kentucky...

Another week has passed and we are closer than before to moving. So much left to do. We are having a garage sale tomorrow to satisfy our feeble attempts to simplify, okay and because we don't want to move as much stuff. Only three more weeks. Ladies and Gentlemen, start your engines and let the packing begin!


Travis said...

Congrats! It looks very nice. And what are those weird, green bojects towering in your backyard. I haven't seen things like that in a while. You know you wish you had Mesquite trees.

Unknown said...

So, does the Mercedes come with it, or is ministry in Kentucky THAT lucrative???

Ah, green grass and trees...enjoy, brother.

Andy Willliams said...

Hey, what's the big deal? It is just the rest of your childrens' lives. Look forward to having you here soon.