Friday, July 08, 2005

Destination Kentucky

This post is probably a long time in coming...

How easy it is to want to plan out our lives in detail. I wouldn't consider myself a strong A-type personality (at least not as strong as my wife) but I must confess I like to have a plan. I like to have a purpose, even if that purpose from time to time is to accomplish nothing of importance at all. I guess it has something to do with our innate desire to be in control and to plan for the future. So much of what we do in our lifetime centers around looking toward what lies ahead. When we are small we dream of what we will be when we grow up. When we are grown we plan for marriage, we plan for pregnancy, we acquire insurance to offset whatever the future holds. We invest money for that rainy day, plan for our children's future education, and hope and pray for that day when retirement finally comes. And we all have a plan, some vision of how the pieces come together to create a finished portrait.

A few months ago, Sara and I thought we already knew what some of the pieces would look like as we planned for our final year in Abilene. But as usual, just when I think I am completely in control of my life, God proves to me otherwise and once again I learn the lifelong lesson that my life is not mine to control. A lot has unfolded in the last few months for our little family of two in which the majority of those events have led us to an upcoming relocation. Thus, Destination Kentucky!

Honestly, I never planned on moving to Kentucky or even to a town called Paducah but that is exactly where we find ourselves and we couldn't be more excited about it. The move has come about because I accepted a position as Associate Minister at the Reidland Church of Christ there in Paducah, Kentucky. A lot was involved to bring us to this point but now our move is only about a month away. It seems like time has flown by so fast. Anybody who has moved from one place to another can realize that this is a bitter sweet time for us...bitter because we are leaving some close friends and family behind but sweet because we are starting a new chapter in our lives as we become a part of a new family, working side by side to minister with and to and to love people whoever and wherever they are. I believe God has prepared us for this next step even if it was not included in our "original picture." Nevertheless, if we walk forward in faith to be his hands, his feet, and his body broken for a broken world it will only be by his strength, his grace, and his love at work through and within us. It won't be long now Reidland family, at least according to our plan!

Please pray for Sara's job situation. While she has some opportunities that are exciting we ask for God's guidance and direction through the process. Lord, in all things may we give You glory!

Trust in the Lord with all your heart and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make your paths straight! Prov. 3:5-6


Sara said...

Very well said. I am sad and excited all in the same moment, but even more glad that we can do it together. I love you.

Carol said...

Hey Mike...I'm so excited that we already have our tickets to come see you in your new home! So we have "Destination Kentucky" too! Love, mom

Mark Lavender said...

Mike and Sara,

You will be missed in Abilene and in our small group. We will keep you guys in prayer as you begin your new journey in life!

Josh Kellar said...

I'm just glad I had such a wonderful job to keep me connected with you! If it werent for the wonderful world of mail marketing, who knows where our friendship would be. I am sure God is going to bless you and Sara immensly at Reidland. We are going to miss you just as much. We'll be praying for you. I expect a blog a week keeping us informed!

Anonymous said...

We are looking forward to "adopting" two more into our church family and into our family. You both will be tremendous assets in your new families. Be careful in your journey to Kentucky - land of GREEN!