Sunday, August 08, 2004

Spur of the Moment

I stepped a little further out of my comfort zone again today at church. After service we made our way to class a little late because we were visiting with some people. When we walked in we caught the tail end of an explanation that there wasn't a teacher for the class for some reason and that there wasn't anything else prepared. Sara, jokingly leaned over to me and said, "you should have brought your Elijah lesson" (which is one I've used recently at another church). I kind of laughed it off and kept listening to the announcements. After finishing the announcements the guy said, "I guess we'll spend some time in fellowship with each other unless someone has something." Before I knew what was happening I found myself raising my hand and in the blink of an eye I was up introducing myself and sharing a lesson from the life of Elijah. I was pretty nervous because it really was on the spur of the moment and I really didn't even have any time to think about it. Afterward, people said they really enjoyed it and a few said they really needed to hear that lesson. Go figure. Sara's first response to me was, "I can't believe you really did that!" To tell you the truth, neither can I. My heart didn't stop racing until about ten minutes after I was finished. I probably wouldn't have done that even up to just a few months ago but for whatever reason I decided to give it a whirl today. I guess it is just a small example of how God is working to transform me and I believe he blessed our time together.


Carol said...

God is too incredible for words!!! I love watching him use's such an exciting adventure! (FOUR more)

Travis said...

You're a brave man. Way to go!