Monday, August 02, 2004

Officially Presbyterian

Yesterday was a day of firsts. It was my first time to orchestrate a liturgy oriented service. It was my first time to lead a congregation in song to the accompaniment of an organ. It was the first time I had to worry about switching from one pulpit on one side of the stage to a larger one on the other side at the appropriate times. And, it was my first time to preach in a Presbyterian church (and listed in the bulletin as a visiting pastor). But, it was a great experience and it was a blessing to worship with the wonderful people of Eastland First Presbyterian. Apparently it was a blessing to them as well although there were points in the service in which I wasn't so sure because the majority just stared back at me from their seats with few, if any signs of affirmation. All in all, I believe my first experience as 'priest for a day' could be viewed as a success. It leads me to wonder what else I could do to broaden my horizons...


James Hooten said...

Hey hey, not too shabby.

Maybe you could officiate a Lutheran, or an Episcopal service next!

Anonymous said...

Hi Mike,
Just stopping by to say hi. Hope your birthday/ipod day was much fun.

TKP said...

sorry, here's my screen name too.

Travis said...

Glad it went well. I can't wait to do it myself in two weeks. I'll be glad to follow in the footsteps of such COC greats as Barton W. Stone, Alexander Campbell, David Lipscomb, Kevin Bridges, and Mike Darling and preach in a Presbyterian Church. And I'm thrilled to be preaching on Transfiguation Sunday, the first time I will get to preach on a Christian Holiday in a church that appreciates that kind of stuff.

John Owens said...

Mike, I'm glad you enjoyed your "gig." Did you wear a robe? I'm glad you and Travis are enjoying your high church stuff. I like liturgy as it pertains to music history. Very fascinating. However, over the last year, being in ATL, I'm becoming so much more of a mega-community church type guy. Sounds like we're going in opposite directions. God be praised. And I hope you'll still be my friend. :)

Mike said...

Teresa, thanks for stopping by. It was a great birthday.

Travis, I hope you'll be able to find our footsteps somewhere but even if you can't I'm sure you'll tread your own.

Jon, no I didn't have to wear a robe. I guess that's wear the "country" church meets traditional presbyterian. Based on my experience I don't think we're heading in very different directions :-) and don't worry I'll still be your friend (even if we were)!