Monday, May 17, 2004

I'm Still Alive

For those of you that have not any longer. I am alive and breathing, but hopefully and most importantly, I am finished with my blogging hiatus. I can give the usual excuses like: school was wrapping up for the semester (translation--smacked head-first into paper and project deadline), or my parents were visiting for the week all the way from sunny Florida (which they were and we had a good time together), or I have been lazy and just did not get around to posting (probably partly true), but where's the fun in those excuses. Maybe I should just revert back to old-school favorties like the dog ate my computer, or my brain simply malfunctioned and shutdown because of theological overload for the semester, but in the end the reality is still the same: I just haven't blogged. So, I vow, pledge, commit, or maybe some other word a little less serious and not so over-zealous, to start afresh among the blogging community. I've kicked off this new effort with my own extreme blogover (or makeover for the slower ones), in an attempt to do away with the old to usher in the new. I hope you like the face lift. Maybe it will inspire me and fan the flames of thought so deep within--or maybe not. So with that said, look for future posting's soon. Maybe tomorrow, or the next day, or if I'm lucky, next week.


Anonymous said...

I love the changes, Mike! We just keep having more and more fun!! Am looking forward to your postings. You're really showing me up now! ...morning momma

Travis said...

Nice look! I like it.