Tuesday, May 25, 2004


On Sunday at Highland Mike Cope delivered a good thought-provoking sermon regarding community which was centered on a passage in Proverbs. His thoughts inspired further reflection on my part. Maybe this simple passage will do the same for you...

Better a meal of vegetables where there is love than a fattened calf with hatred.
Proverbs 15:17

I am reminded that we are designed for community--created to love God and each other! What really matters if we don't have love? The greatest of this world's "pleasures" don't mean squat if not experienced within the context of a life of love...is it just me or could that be the sound of a "resounding gong?"

When Sara and I first moved into our apartment here in Abilene we were blessed to quickly meet our neighbors Bio (pronounced Bue like blue without the L) and Daisy. They are a couple from Brazil with two very cute and precious little girls. One of the first nuggets of wisdom Bio shared with me was based on a traditional saying in Brazil. He said something to the effect of, "a good home means nothing without good neighbors." According to their culture even if you have your dream house it is impossible to enjoy it without good neighbors. What an obvious yet radical and somewhat counter-cultural statement all at the same time. The focus is on people and not possessions, on loving and sharing with each other and not on living for yourself.

Growing up, I don't remember having the best relationships with neighbors. It seemed they pretty much kept to themselves and of course we were probably just as much to blame. Now, having a greater understanding of both sides of the coin, I realize the abundant blessing of relationship with good neighbors and the joy that comes from community when we love each other. From that day on, Bio and I decided to call each other Reya, which in his native tongue means something equivalent to the combination of friend, brother and neighbor! Maybe we could adapt our own proverb similar to the one above:

Better a shack with good neighbors where there is love and community than a dream house with bad neighbors where there is hatred and division.

I pray we can all learn to be reya to one another as we seek to live out love in community!

May God bless our efforts...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Great comments. I think that we are so busy with our own world and are we feeling good and have my needs been taken care of that we just don't pay any attention to those that are right under of feet (so to speak) I wish I could say that I had neighbors that I could minister to. I would like them to know that they matter to me.