Monday, July 12, 2004

Open the VBS Floodgates

VBS at Highland kicked off last night and the theme is Son Games. Sara and I are 3rd grade team guides which has already been a lot of fun but crazy at the same time since we had over 180 kids after having only 90 signed up the day before. Hopefully tonight some of the kinks will be worked out and any confusion will be kept to a minimum. I'll just continue to do my best to keep my eyes on our 30 little green name tags and hold on for dear life. After last night, I am reaffirmed in thinking that 3rd grade is one of those stages in life when everyone can be diagnosed as A.D.D. I'm sure it's just my turn to try to manage the energy I dished out as a former rambunctious VBS kid!

In all seriousness, VBS has been one of my most favorite activities to participate in over the years. I have so many fond memories of being a kid myself and working with the kids as I've gotten older. There's just something special about watching children experience the message of the gospel in fun and exciting ways. And, sometimes even more than the verbal messages, VBS provides us with opportunities to display tangible reflections of the love of God in Christ. For some kids it may be the only time and place that this life-giving message can be received. So, let the children come--and in the meantime maybe I can try to maintain at least half the energy they unleash!

Thank you God for the awesome responsibility of raising up children to love and glorify you! One day, may my children love you as many of these little ones do.

1 comment:

Carol said...

30!!! THIRTY!!! As in 30 3rd graders!!! How in the world is that possible??? You must be doing VBS in a completely different way than we did it. I know the kids are all loving you! Have fun.